CMF Plastic

Founded in 2016, CMF PLASTİK company, with its understanding of quality packaging and design bottle models; carries out innovative studies in the sector. In order to meet the plastic packaging needs in the food, cleaning, petroleum, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and agricultural products industries, production continues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Cmf Plastik is known for its competence in innovative production methods of HDPE bottles and molds and the compliance of the materials it uses with quality standards. With its equipment, experience and innovative approach in production, Cmf Plastik; offers quality products and creates a satisfied customer profile. Cmf Plastik manufactures its product range with a bottle capacity of 500 ml - 60 Lt. Although it has a wide color scale, it works in natural and white tones. Subject to the minimum order quantity upon request, our color production is offered to the option of our valued customers. Based on its wide product range, Cmf Plastik manufactures your plastic packaging by molding the designs you want specific to your company and completing your color selection, and helps you to present your valuable products to the market.